How It Began

This all started when I was expecting my first child, Madison. Like many newly pregnant couples, our first concern was what I needed to stop using due to being unsafe during pregnancy. I began with toiletries. I knew we needed to replace them, but the only options we found were high in chemicals, and I wasn't sure I wanted to risk using them. We also knew that we didn't want Madison to go through the same struggle of finding safe and effective skin care products as she grew older, and we wanted her to grow up with amazing products.  

As a result, we decided to make our own.

The Next Step

We researched all-natural soaps for what felt like forever until we came across a company that makes truly all-natural (and mostly) organic soaps. Not just bar soap but also foaming hand soaps and liquid Castile soaps. We ordered some samples and absolutely loved it! We gave samples to some of our loyal clients and they were hooked.

Next, I needed a moisturizer. Something that wouldn’t evaporate and actually made a long-standing difference in my skin’s health. After a TON of research and education, trial and error, and tweaking what didn’t work, we came up with the formula for our body butter, which is now a bestseller!

Mad(di)e With Love

Being pregnant not only makes you clumsy, but it also makes it extremely difficult to bend over. As a result, I needed to create a body scrub that was gentle, effective, and not soaked in oil. I can't even tell you how many formulations and recipes we tried. I realized we had to keep things simple and eventually, came up with our current formula that does NOT leave an oil slick in your shower/tub. And we're proud of that!

All our products were created (and in the case of the soaps, selected) with the utmost attention to detail, care for those using them, and of course, with love.

We honestly hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoyed creating them!